Western Crab Orchard Creek Watershed-based Plan

Development of the Western Crab Orchard Creek Watershed-based Plan began in November of 2018. The first part of the watershed-based plan was completing the Western Crab Orchard Creek Inventory and Assessment. This involved characterizing the watershed through research, utilizing spatial data, and assessing certain watershed features. The inventory and assessment can be viewed below.

The study area includes three HUC 12 subwatersheds. This includes: Drury Creek, Indian Creek- Drury Creek, and Little Crab Orchard Creek- Crab Orchard Creek. The basin includes drainage areas that extend from Cobden to Carbondale.

Public involvement is an important step in making a watershed-based plan successful. Find out how you can help below. If you have any questions regarding plan development please contact Tyler Carpenter at Greater Egypt.

Planning Area


Western Crab Orchard Creek Watershed-based Plan Documents

Western Crab Orchard Creek Watershed Inventory and Assessment


Western Crab Orchard Creek Watershed-based Plan









Public Involvement

Western Crab Orchard Creek Meeting Information

Date Location Agenda Materials


Virtual Meeting (Zoom)


X Minutes

Presentation Slides



 Virtual Meeting (Zoom)


X Minutes

Presentation Slides



Virtual Meeting (Zoom)


X  Minutes

Presentation Slides

EPA Handbook – BMP Selection

BMP Information

BMP Worksheet



Virtual Meeting (Zoom) X Minutes

See Meeting Materials From 2/23

8/12/2021 Public Meeting

Carbondale City Hall- Rm 118

Public Meeting Slides


10/7/21 Virtual Meeting (Zoom)


X Minutes

Presentation Slides

11/16/21 Virtual Meeting (Zoom) X Minutes

Presentation Slides