Stormwater Management and Education

Unlike pollution that is directly discharged from permitted sewage treatment plants and other industrial sources, nonpoint source pollution typically includes runoff that can carry contaminants and other deposits over large areas following an event of precipitation. One of these sources includes runoff from stormwater.

While watershed-based plans focus on mitigating the effects of nonpoint source pollution, Greater Egypt is also committed to reducing nonpoint source pollution in our municipalities through stormwater educational materials and outreach.


Stormwater Management Planning

City of Carbondale Stormwater Master Plan


Education & Outreach Programs

Water Quality in the Classroom

Interested in a water quality program for your classroom, scout troop, or club? Greater Egypt has EnviroScape Models and other materials to create lessons on a variety of topics including:

  • Watersheds and the water cycle
  • Pollution and Best Management Practices
  • Freshwater invertebrates and amphibians

Greater Egypt’s education and outreach also includes stormwater management brochures, workshops, and a web page where the public and municipalities can post examples of how they are reducing nonpoint source pollution in the urbanized area.

To set up an education program contact 


Public Photo Submission

Have you experienced flash flooding or urban flooding in one of our 5 Counties? Greater Egypt is collecting photos for a Stormwater Database, submit yours at the link below:

Click here to go to the submission form


Stormwater Management Mapping Service

Please click on the photo below to enter the Stormwater Management Mapping Service.

Stormwater Map photo for website


Printed Materials

Water Resources Survey


Children's Photo
Stormwater Cycle Poster








Watershed Activity Booklet
Watershed Activity Booklet
Stormwater Pamphlet
Stormwater Brochure









Nonpoint Source Resources